Spring events

The Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, in Florence
Every year, from April to June A series of major classical music concerts, theater pieces, plays, operas and ballets take place in and around Florence. We recommend booking tickets well in advance!
International handicrafts exhibition, in Florence
Every year, April/May (dates vary) Since 1931, a very rich selection of artisans and artists from all over the world offering their handiwork: jewelry and bijoux, clothing, fabrics and leathers, gifts, cosmetics and body products, and many curiosities from around the world! Also very interesting is the food sector with lots of Italian and foreign specialties. Excellent train connections between Certaldo and Florence so you can attend the event without your own means.
The bursting of the wagon, in Florence
Every year on Easter Sunday Event dating back about 400 years. An elaborate and ornate tower-shaped cart is pulled through the streets of Florence by two white oxen to Florence’s cathedral square. The float, equipped with fireworks, waits for a rocket in the shape of a dove to start from the Cathedral and arrive to hit it, kicking off the fireworks display upon impact. According to tradition, fireworks going off all at once is a good sign for the future.
Enchantments and stalls, in Castelfiorentino
Every year, on the 3rd or 4th weekend of May It takes place in the Castelfiorentino part of the city: illusionists, transformers, magicians, comedians, jugglers, cabaret performers, thespians and much more! An artistic journey that plays on wonder and awe.